Dream Maker Podcast
Dream First Bank (formerly the First National Bank of Syracuse) hosts discussions on the topics of the day that may help you dreams come true!
16 episodes
National Ag Aviation Association-Andrew Moore
Chris is joined by DFB's Ag Aviation team, Caleb Woods and Haley Floyd, as they discuss with Andrew Moore, CEO of the National Agricultural Aviation Association, as they get ready for National Convention in Palm Springs, California in December
Season 4
Episode 1

Welcome to Dream First Bank!
Chris Floyd and Matt Bennett discuss why we decided to change the name of the bank from FNB Syracuse to Dream First Bank (NO, we didn't sell!) Podcast theme music by Transist...
Season 4
Episode 1

What To Do About Interest Rates?
In this episode, Chris visits with Shane VerDught, CFO at First National Bank, about the current interest rate environment and its impact on consumers. When looking at your financing or savings plans, ensuring that you're familiar with where ra...
Season 3
Episode 4

Clay Scott--Kansas Aqueduct
Chris visits with Clay Scott, who farms in Stanton and Grant County, is a member of the Ground Water Management District #3 and is on the Kansas Aqueduct Coalition. We discuss the work the coalition has done on the feasibility of moving w...
Season 3
Episode 3

Lona Duvall--Keep the Red Bull Flowing
Chris visits with Lona Duvall, President/CEO of the Finney County Economic Development Corporation, about her and the team's role in growing the economy of Finney County.
Season 3
Episode 2

BBQ & Hours--That's how you have a successful H2A guest worker program!
Gabriel Oosthuysen, Program Director of Golden Opportunites, LLC, and H2A Guest Worker consultant that helps mainly farmers and custom harvesters obtain seasonal labor from South Africa and Mexico. Chris & Gabriel discuss the program...
Season 3
Episode 1

Get Started!
Chris visits with the First National Bank Chief Lender Matt Bennett about our takeaways from our Jolene Brown Seminar, "If We Huff and Puff, Will We Blow Your House Down." Find out how to build a business-first family business that will s...
Season 2
Episode 6

#SuperBanker Movin' Money Tyler
We're taking a little different angle for this episode, as Chris talks with our newest Accredited Banking Professional (a/k/a #SuperBanker) Tyler Newell. Tyler is in charge of FNB's Treasury Management Services. So what is that anyway? Well...
Season 2
Episode 5

Any Door Works
Chris talks with Fernando Rodriguez, a therapist in Ulysses with Compass Behavioral Health
Season 2
Episode 4

Don't forget the 3-Year Rule.....
We finish our conversation with Bob Dale, Grant County Economic Development Director regarding what are the best practices for starting a business.
Season 2
Episode 3

Economic Development in Rural America
Part 1 of 2 of our conversation with Bob Dale of the Grant County Economic Development office. You can tell Bob has a passion for helping our communities grow and we discuss what is and what is not part of the Economic Development r...
Season 2
Episode 2

Grain Marketing for 2021 and Beyond...
Great Conversation with Walt Beesley (FBN), Bret Crotts (Schweitermann, Inc.), Matt Bennett and Chris Floyd. Tons of good information about marketing grains in the future, and we learned about Rhodium--Betcha didn't see that one coming......
Season 2
Episode 1

#ProveIt--Adrienne Desutter
Chris has a great discussion with Adrienne Desutter (@sowhopegrowhope), Ag Mental Health Advocate
Season 1
Episode 3

SBA, PPP, & EIDL Oh My! -Brandon Mumgaard
Brandon Mumgaard joins Chris Floyd to talk about the SBA and PPP loan process, as well as other tools, businesses have or can use to manage their way through the unknowns of the last several months.
Season 1
Episode 2

Grain Marketing Discussion with FBN
In our inaugural podcast, Chris has a conversation with Kevin McNew, Chief Economist at Farmers Business Network and Walt Beesley, Farm Marketing Advisor at Farmers Business Network about the current situation in grain markets, marketing strate...
Season 1
Episode 1